May 26, 2012

this is me, ladies and gentlemen

Well, I was raised with certain beliefs that I once dared to completely rebel against only to eventually end up failing miserably [oh, those bittersweet teenage years...]. But don't worry: I am not going to discuss different political viewpoints on anything right now: I hardly ever miss an opportunity like this, though. But just for this once, I think I'll just pass.

Anyway, with the current discussion that has been going on all around for the past few weeks now, in terms of political debates, finances and all, I have come to notice how unbelievably shallow people conversations have become. And because I've always tried to come up with a solid basis for every political thought I think, I've also decided a long time ago to leave the superficial critical road for the less dangerous and (proven to be) more delightful path of common sense.

See, I have this weird idea that we are responsible for our own well-being; that we are responsible, as fully grown and capable human beings that we are, to take care of ourselves and our own. And I have come to despise some of these everyday whiny speeches that ramble on and on about how miserable we all are because of what our politicians did or did not do. I mean... seriously, people: I am now old enough to say I've turned out alright in spite of every single president and their administrations. Of course there are a few things here and there they can do to move the needle, but at the end of the day, we are the ones to really do something with our lives or not.

Some of you are waiting on the current government to fix your life, or maybe the removal of the these guys to fix your life. But it’s not gonna happen. And you know that, don't you? But you call that 'being politically engaged'. And you think you’ve got this thing all figured out... yeah, right. Seriously! I, on the other hand, feel like some people have become so incredibly indifferent to their surroundings that they seem to not be able to think and process information anymore (and often whining becomes their only intelligible form of communication). These people have no genuine opinions on anything. And it is mostly because, at the end of the day, they simply don't care. They think they do, but they really don't. And though they may think their speech is actually going to cause everybody to think they're sooo deep, it's not. Politics is no different than real life.

And I really believe we all should have a lot more in common than we do right now...

It's never been wise to wait on a small number of people to decide upon your future. You wouldn't let your parents do that, so you certainly should not wait on some strangers on a suit to do that for you. And I am aware of the fact that the recession has had an impact on most of our lives. It has happened many times before and we'll get over it. I'm not saying you have no right to be mad; of course you do. I am! But what are are you going to do about it? Are you going to wait for the government to fix your household? Are you really going to wait for them to send you a check? Or maybe you're waiting for them to cut some taxes and then you will become rich.

Don't get me wrong: I strongly believe it's a good thing when good people are in Office. I appreciate that and I want them to do a good job. But I hate it when politicians of both parties start acting like they're in touch with the little men when all they do is talk and no action... Sometimes I feel like all they do is focus on developing talking points to argue with each other, to position themselves. Their job is to govern but we all know it is all about lots of campaigning and just a little governing.

So please don't learn to accept and live to wait for them to do what you should be doing anyway. And don't instantly discard stuff that somehow doesn't match your beliefs. Our human nature is always looking for somebody to blame.

May 25, 2012

the best way to start the day

breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day. i read here that there's something to be said for waking up slow over cheery striped napkins and a simple breakfast just a few blocks from home. and i absolutely agree.

actually, this is pretty much what our saturday morning breakfast looks like (minus the striped napkins, of course, since you should know here in spain our very best coffee shops are also the cheapest):

but there's really nothing like a nice hotel breakfast...

May 23, 2012

a word on blogging (and blog jealousy)

i have always been a blog reader. and i really love blogs; i love everything about them. and some people... well, they're just so talented!

sometimes i wish i was a better blogger. i wish i could find enough time to just sit down and write. or maybe not - actually, i wish it would all come so freaking naturally to me that i wouldn't even have to find the time to update this blog more regularly. it would be just another daily routine like taking a bath or brushing your teeth.

the thing is i'm almost never completely satisfied with what i write. i guess i have always been so overly judgmental about my own work (and everyone else's work as well, but especially my own) that i end up discarding a whole lot of great ideas because they might not be good enough.

i am the only reason i haven't enjoyed blogging in a very long time.

if every time i had an idea for a post, i would just sit down and share it, i would probably be one of the most active bloggers in the blogosphere. during these past three months, i must have thought about a hundred million things to say. but i was always tired (blame it on the pregnancy!) and, to be honest, i didn't feel creative enough to even log in and start writing.

i have been comparing my non-existing blogging skills to those of the superb.loggers out there and it is so frustrating... i know i probably shouldn't do that, but it's pretty damn hard not to! talk about blog jealousy!

yet, i bumped into an amazing quote by ira glass this morning.

it made my day.

Ira Glass
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take a while. It’s normal to take a while. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.”
― Ira Glass

May 19, 2012

some news!

i'm back!
oh, I know. i've been absent for quite some time... 3 months and 5 days. give or take :)

i never planned to completely neglect this blog (or at least not for 3 months and 5 days), but hey..  it happened and i can only apologize for being so slack. and i haven't been reading my favorite blogs either.

but now i'm back.

and pregnant.
18 weeks pregnant! which means the baby is probably going to arrive by october.